fr:Code of Conduct TN/FR


For CUPRA, Compliance means respecting the legislation, the internal guidelines of the company and the voluntary commitments assumed by it, its executive bodies and its employees.

The purpose of Compliance is to promote within the Company the effective implementation of good governance to achieve greater business transparency, greater operational efficiency and sustainable business development committed to respecting ethical values and legal requirements.

So, CUPRA advocates for a respectful and honest behavior that helps to comply with the norms, principles and values set forth in its Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct for Employees

The Code of Conduct includes the principles and values that identify us as a brand and offers our employees guidance and advice in everyday situations and in the decision-making process.

The Code of Conduct is aligned with the values and principles of the Volkswagen Group from a triple perspective: responsibility as members of society, responsibility as business partners and responsibility in the workplace.

Discover it here

Code of Conduct for business Partners

It is available a Code of Conduct for our business partners. This Code specifies the expectations of the Volkswagen Group regarding the attitude and behavior of its suppliers and business partners in business activities.

The requirements contained in the Code of Conduct for Business Partners form the basis for a successful business relationship between the Volkswagen Group and its partners.

Discover it here


We advocate for the development of a competitive, transparent, sustainable and successful business activity, in the total absence of corruption.

Therefore, we reject and combat any corrupt conduct that is detrimental to the company and its reputation.

To help employees maintain transparent relationships and guide in relations with the Public Sector, we have the following Guides:

Anticorruption guidelines

Relations with public sector guidelines

Business & Human Rights

Respect for human rights is a priority for CUPRA. We are convinced that the sustainability of the business depends on our ethical and integrity performance. For this reason, we are fully committed to our human rights responsibility in the context of our business operations.

We respect, protect and promote the current provisions on the protection of human and childhood rights as fundamental and universal premises. We reject any use of child exploitation, forced or compulsory labor, as well as any form of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our commitment to human rights is manifested through the Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Business Partners.